salin ke notepad lalu save as unicode
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;rename MOV to VID
1C3F6D5: 004D004F005600 00560049004400
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;radio without handsets
133A3F8: 01D1 01E0
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Bluetooth only in "send" option
;v. 1fix
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) uniton
1056590: 0678 0026
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Displays files with the extension
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) uniton
103AC24: AA1B 321C
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Clear message "If you increase the brightness of the reduced working hours in standby mode"
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) uniton
+ fffe000
164E710: 50 FF
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Work menu, called on the button on / off in FlightMode
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) uniton
+ fffe000
16441D4: 03D1 C046
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Игнорирование "Полномочий" для явы
;Remove java security restrictions
;(с) the_laser
;(p) uniton
15B5FFB: D0 E0
15B6006: 00 01
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;"Чёрный" список вместо "белого" списка
;Whitelist to blacklist
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) uniton
F5402C: 00D1 00D0
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;короткий показ индикатора громкости
;short showing indicator loudness
;(p) uniton
1708ECE: FA21 1E21
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Изменение времени отображения часов в спящем режиме. Было 5 сек.
;Теперь часы будут показываться 1 секунду E803, 1.5сек DC05, 2сек D007, 3сек B80B, 10сек 1027
;change indication time in sleep mode
;© IronMaster
;(p) uniton
1705CF0: 8813 D007
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Убрать "Экстренные вызовы"
;Убираются 911 и 112 при залоченной клаве
;Remove "Emergency calls" 911 and 112 when keyboard is locked.
;©Joker XT
;(p) uniton
1444E38: 3131320039313100 0000000000000000
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Убрать сообщение "Внимание! Громкий сигнал не подносите к уху" когда выбираешь 7-8 уровень громкости
;Remove "Warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings.
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) uniton
164D866: 08D3 08E0
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Удалить папку conversations (Мои друзья)
;Delete folder conversations (My Friends)
;© Crystal
;(p) uniton
1A6F754: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A6F78A: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A709B2: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A70B84: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A74E9E: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A74ED0: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A7CDC2: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1A7CDF4: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Не отображать год в дате
;Не нужное закомментировать
;remove year in date format
;© weltonlin (CHINESE)
;(P) uniton
1B9D5E0: 254C25642D2562254C2D2579 202020202562254C254C2564;31-dec-2008 -> dec31
;K660i SW-R1FA035
;Heap shift! More stability for patches
;(c) den_po
;(p) SOAD
;(i) 7458985
;info 4 patchmakers: 2A2AC3EC...2A2BC3EB
;this info is firmware version dependent
59832: C8204003686080200001 0149884701E021F41012
2111420: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB51921090400230122920303600430
2111430: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0439013AFAD1286069600CBC0120C002
2111440: 0000 00BD
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Полный доступ файловым менеджерам на яве в FS телефона
;Внимание! Удалив/переместив нужные файлы, вы можете лишить работоспособности телефон!
;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;© , neoDimm
1AC4CD8: 630061006D0065007200610000000000 69006600730000005100750065007500
1AC4CE8: 70006900630074007500720065007300 65000000740070006100000073007900
1AC4CF8: 000000006D0075007300690063000000 7300740065006D000000750073006200
1AC4D08: 2F007500730062002F004D0055005300 00002F00730079007300740065006D00
1AC4D18: 490043000000000076006900 00002F004900460053000000
1AC4DA8: B4569B11 1A4DAC11;"/tpa/user/DCIM" -> "/IFS"
1AC4DB8: E84CAC11 E04CAC11
1AC4DC0: C8569B11 1C9DA411;"/tpa/user/picture" -> "/QUEUE"
1AC4DD8: 084DAC11 6459A511;"/tpa/user/MUSIC" -> "/tpa"
1AC4DE8: 204DAC11 F44CAC11
1AC4DF0: 0C599B11 0A4DAC11;"/tpa/user/video" -> "/system"
1AC4E00: 304DAC11 024DAC11
1AC4E08: 48579B11 D459A511;"/tpa/user/other" -> "/usb"
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Delete message "Profile" at choice of the profile
;Fixed work buttons play/pause
;© IronMaster, Joker XT
;(p) uniton
17CBD1E: FFF7 00BD
;K660 SW-R1FA035
; Adjust the brightness buttons "Volume + / --
; Brown highlighted the value of step-uvelecheniya.Zelenym umensheniya.Zamenyaem xx on the value of a step in the hex
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) vile
11B9B034: A16C6311 51F31012
11B9B03C: 256D6311 5FF31012
1210F350: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FFB5064FB8470A30054FB847FFBDFFB5
1210F360: 00000000000000000000000000000000 024FB8470A38024FB847FFBDADC56411
1210F370: 00000000 E5C56411
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" to "Nokia SUCKS"
;Usage: (ServiceMenu-->ModelInfo-->Press 2,4,6,8)
;® D-Man
;(P) uniton
208C77F: 536F6E79204572696373736F6E0A524F434B5321 4E6F6B6961205355434B53210000000000000000
;K660 SW-R1FA035
;Сhange ">*<<*<*" ;(c) demon_17 ;(p) uniton +fffe000 1C489A8: 0B001D000F000F001D000F001D xx00xx00xx00xx00xx00xx00xx00 ;changed the "xx" code ;1 :14 ;2 :15 ;3 :16 ;4 :17 ;5 :18 ;6 :19 ;7 :1A ;8 :1B ;9 :1C ;* :1D ;0 :13 ;# :1E ;K660 SW-R1FA035 ;FM Radio always stereo ;(c) Jockep ;(p) uniton +fffe000 139B278: 07D0 C046 ;K660 SW-R1FA035 ;Recorded videos called MP4xxxxxxxx ;(C)Jockep ;(p)uniton +fffe000 1C4BE64: 4F 50 1C4BE66: 56 34 ;K660 SW-R1FA035 ;change "DSC" to "enything else" ;(c) Lasy ;(p) uniton +fffe000 1BC81A4: 4400530043 xx00xx00xx 1BC8208: 4400530043 xx00xx00xx ;please change the "xx" to ... ;A = 41 ;B = 42 ;C = 43 ;D = 44 ;E = 45 ;F = 46 ;G = 47 ;H = 48 ;I = 49 ;J = 4A ;K = 4B ;L = 4C ;M = 4D ;N = 4E ;O = 4F ;P = 50 ;Q = 51 ;R = 52 ;S = 53 ;T = 54 ;U = 56 ;V = 57 ;X = 58 ;Y = 59 ;Z = 5A ;K660 R1FA035 ;change font in sms and somewhere else ;00 small, 02 big, 01 default ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) uniton +fffe000 1BA9523: 01 02 ;K660 R1FA035 ;Change combination * # 06 # on any other ;(c) Sic ;(p) uniton +fffe000 1C48966: 1D001E00130019001E 1C001C001C001C001C;Комбинация 99999 1B4EA74: 05 05 ;1 :0x14 ;2 :0x15 ;3 :0x16 ;4 :0x17 ;5 :0x18 ;6 :0x19 ;7 :0x1A ;8 :0x1B ;9 :0x1C ;* :0x1D ;0 :0x13 ;# :0x1E ;K660 R1FA035 ;Bluetooth di Flight Mode ;Bluetooth di Flight Mode ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) uniton +fffe000 F168F3: D0 E0 ;K660 SW-R1FA035 ; Remove message "Word not found in the dictionary" ; Remove message "is Added in my dictionary" ; v.2 ; (c) IronMaster ; (p) uniton +fffe000 16610A0: 00F04EF802E0 C046C046C046 1661CB4: FFF788FA C046C046 masih kurang ga? * Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih
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