- C510, C702, C901, C902, C903, C905, G502, G705, K630, K660, K850, V640, T700, T707, T715, TM506, W508, W595, W705, W715, W760, W890, W902, W910, W980 , W995, Z750, Z770, Z780. 1. This screen displays the entire process of what you are doing in the program, including the phone settings. 2. This window displays the files that you selected for the firmware (usually MAIN and FS, or one of them). 3. Use these buttons to add / delete / clear the selected files portal. 4. Flash button is used to start flashing the phone. 5. Button FileSystem tool used to access a hidden file system (FS) phone. 6. WRITE Script button is used to write different scripts in the phone. 7. This screen displays a script that you can select (or create using the button E) to record the phone. 8. Identify button is used for "scanning" the parameters of your phone 9. Button to stop the current operation performed by the program. Push only in emergency cases, because stop process can cause the device inoperable. 10. Button to exit the program. Changes in the latest version (from 18.09): - Added the ability to install patches (*. vkp) for phones on platforms DB3150/DB3200/DB3210. CID53 support
download http://www.4shared.com/file/mxGS4l83/a2uploader_v4_compatible_cid_5.html
semoga bermanfaat,,Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih,,, thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).
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