cara Membuka Karakter baru di Dynasty Warriors 6

Unlockable How to Unlock

Voice Gallery Raise a character to level 50

Very Hard Difficulty Clear Musou Mode with any character

Chaos Difficulty Complete 1 Wei, Shu, Wu, Other Musou Mode

Cao Cao Clear 3 Wei Musou Modes

Cao Ren Complete target 2 Fan Castle - Lu Bu side

Diao Chan Complete 1 Wei, Shu, Wu Musou Mode

Dong Zhuo Complete target 1 Hu Lao Gate - Lu Bu side

Guan Ping Complete target 2 Fan Castle - Shu side

Huang Gai Complete target 3 Chi Bi - Wu side

Huang Zhong Complete target 1 Ding Jun - Wei side

Lu Bu Complete Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Diao Chan usou mode

Liu Bei Complete 3 Shu Musou Mode

Sun Jian Complete 3 Wu Musou Mode

Zhang Liao Complete 1 Wei Musou Mode

Zhuge Liang Complete 1 Shu Musou Mode

Gan Ning Complete 1 Wu Musou Mode

Sun Quan Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the LuBu side The Battle of Chi Bi

Wei Yan Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Shu side of WuZhang Plains and finish battle with Wei Yan alive

Zhou Tai Succeed in 3 battle objectives on the Shu side of Yi Ling

Zhang Jiao Beat stage with completing all three targets in the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Xiao Qiao Succeed in Battle Objective 3 on the Wu side of the Battle of Shi

Xu Huang Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei/Wu side of Fan Castle

Ma Chao Succeed in battle objective 2 on the Wei side of Han Zhong Attack
Defense Battle

Lu Meng Succeed in 2 battle objectives on the Wei side of He Fei

Xiahou Yuan Succeed in 1 battle objective on the Shu side of Ding Jun Mountain

Sun Ce Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Sun Jian side of the Battle of Xia Pi

Yuan Shao As Wei, complete all 3 targets and capture Wu Chao before completin
g the stage.

Pang Tong Succeed in 3 battle objectives at Cheng Du battle and finish battle
with Pang Tong alive

Zhen Ji Succeed Battle Objective 1 in Xu Du Invasion Battle (Lu Bu Scenario)

Yue Ying Succeed in Battle Objective 1 on the Wei Side of Wu Zhang Plains

Zhang He Succeed in 3 Battle Objectives on the Shu Side of the Battle of Han Zhong

Ling Tong Succeed in 3 Battle Objectives on the Wei Side of the Battle of Shi Ting

Xu Zhu Succeed in he fei castle with wu and kill cao ren and xu zhu

Character Costumes Raise a character to level 25

data Dynasty Warriors 6 full by galihrezah.rar

semoga bermanfaat * Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih bentar ane mikir dulu buat postingan besok,,hehe hehehe jadi malu kabur ah..hahaha waduh kurang cepet ne balik lagi ah hehehe.. eh ga jadi kabur hihihi maaf-maaf kalau ane ada salah..hehe minum dulu gan salam kenal yah hehehe thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).

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